Hubby is playing in a golf tournament over the weekend (he checked with me beforehand) I’m planning on meeting a friend or two on the phone, making a marco polo video for a friend, making Sallys Baking Addiction pumpkin cream cheese cake for an upcoming women’s group meeting, attending my no. to fiction. Book group discussion about Vladimir Zelensky and may try and solve a closet or two. We’ll see how much I can do something: 0
We are currently dealing with our 2nd unexpected plumbing issue in 2 months (this time it’s replacing the hot water tank – oy) so any urge to shop (even thrift) has to be curbed.
Voted at the beginning of the week – sent my card inventory last week. Ever aware of how much stress I carry in my body, worrying about what will happen next week. A neighbor told me that 1/2 the country will be saddened by the election results is to do his best to empathize with them, regardless of the outcome he wants. A good perspective to remember.