The reason is clear: two out of three French people believe that, in order to adopt the budget, the opposition must make compromises and not vote censure. This is obviously the goal of the new Prime Minister. Francois Bayroudelivering his general policy speech on Tuesday, he will play for the survival of his government even if the budget vote will not take place until February.
The former professor of classics will have to use all the magic of speech to convince the deputies and, through them, our compatriots of his ability to heal a sick France with its abysmal deficit, the erratic management of the State services. its contradictions and divisions. In short, he has to play Harry Potter in the land of the Tuches… and at the school of the scholarships.
To achieve his goal, the man from Matignon chose his method and currency: the renegotiation of the pension reform. A Macronian totem – painfully adopted in 2023 – and of which François Bayrou has never been a strong supporter. The path is narrow, even tortuous: how can you explain Elisabeth Borne’s reform without revisiting the starting age set at 64? Negotiations are ongoing.
It is at this price that he hopes to obtain an agreement without censorship from the 66 socialist deputies. If he achieves his goals, the Prime Minister will have broken the Marine Le Pen-Jean-Luc Mélenchon axis and will offer precious time to the governing parties to put them in order of battle for 2027.
By entrusting the file to Éric Lombard, the most left-wing of his ministers, a Rocardian close to Michel Sapin and friend of Olivier Faure, the head of government surprised everyone. The Minister of Financeunknown to the general public but skilled negotiator and networker, he has already achieved the feat of bringing together socialist, environmentalist and communist leaders in Bercy for unexpected night parties that may lead to a fruitful synthesis. The talks promise to last all weekend. In the PS, we understand that a government party cannot afford to censor a second time, otherwise it would lose the credibility it has left.
But this political coup would have a huge cost. Here stability government is crucial. However, the market reaction could quickly plunge our country into an acute crisis. The former director of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Éric Lombard took this quote inspired by Churchill: ” From failure to failure, he was on his way to success. »
We fly for the country. But by refusing to promise the French people work, sweat and tears, he would risk sacrificing the future of our country to the uncertain present of a government on borrowed time. Let him remember other words of the “old lion” English : ” That the strategy is good is a fact, but don’t forget to look at the result! » This result, the French will judge him with less indulgence who will suffer his most painful aspects.
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